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Biz2Sell Business Brokers
Biz2Sell Business Brokers
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Total Sales: 0 Total Listing: 94

Established Car Wash In Busy Strip Mall

Boksburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Original price was: R320,000.Current price is: R280,000.
Operating Business

This established carwash located in the parking facility of a  strip mall on a busy main road is  easy to run and has an established client base.

The business has been in operation for 12 years the current owner has had it for 2 years.

It is currently manager run with low owner input. The best trading period is over the weekend.

The business is closed on Mondays (Can be re-opened)

Tuesday to Sunday it trades between 8 AM and 5 PM

It is open most public holidays.

The business has two wash bays and 3 drying bays, it also has an enclosed office area that could be transformed into a coffee shop or waiting area.

It has a good working CCTV system and night time security through ADT.

Average Monthly Turnover – R25,000.00

Average Monthly Nett Profit – R10,000.00

Current Asset Value – R113 650.00

Low Rental – R2980.00 per month

Lease renewable annually

Water Average – R700.00 per month

Electricity Average – R600.00 per month

Staff wages Average – R12 000.00 per month (2 People on quieter days and 4 on busy days)

Selling Price – R280 000.

There is a lot of opportunity for growth, upgrade and expansion.

Biz2Sell Business Brokers
Biz2Sell Business Brokers
0 out of 5
Total Sales: 0 Total Listing: 94